DCM designs and builds a line of Industrial Rotary Surface Grinders and Automotive Rebuilding equipment. A DCM Grinder provides a similar surface finish as a standard Blanchard® grinder by Bourn & Koch, but is different in many ways, specifically with updated technology for part detection and PLC controls.
We have provided quality machine tools and customer satisfaction since 1975. Our response to customer needs over the years has allowed us to provide long lasting, application-specific solutions to customers worldwide. Use of the DCM Tech Vertical Spindle Rotary Table Surface Grinders has consistently brought dollars to our customers' bottom line via process improvement.
- DCM offers standard base machines with configuration features and accessory options
- DCM works with customers to define process needs and determine DCM machine configuration for specific grinding applications
- DCM works with customers to develop a process to meet customer specific quality and productivity requirements
- DCM works with customers to validate grinding processes via sample grinding and qualification runs at the DCM factory or at the customer's site.
- DCM provides Factory Direct sales and service as well as onsite setup and training of new and used equipment via factory Technical Specialists

We welcome visitors to our plant to conduct process studies on their specific parts using DCM Tech equipment. This offer is available to qualify a process and confirm machine performance. If special fixturing or machine modifications are required, DCM Tech is equipped to consider those needs with in house design, engineering and manufacturing services. Thank you for your interest in DCM Tech.